International Partners

International Partners | Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
Today, studying abroad is no longer just for students whose area of study specifically relates to a different country, culture or region. Rather a period studying abroad is increasingly relevant to students of all disciplines. Such mobility gives students a great opportunity to live and learn in a different country and experience a different culture, with the aim to improve language skills, enhance CVs and benefit from a different perspective to your degree subject. Above all, it is a truly enriching personal experience.
The faculty has a developed network of exchange links which enables students to study part of their degree abroad. In most cases the links are part of the European ERASMUS+ Programme. ↗
Partner Universities
The faculty has partner universities in the following countries …
Belgium | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Finland | France | Jordan | Lithuania | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Spain | Switzerland | Turkey | United Kingdom
Outgoing students ...
Outgoing students to a partner university within the EU ERASMUS program are exempt from tuition fees (enrollment fees) at the partner university. For a full list of our partner universities, please follow the link to the International Office of the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences.
We are always delighted to extend our network and establish new links with institutions worldwide. If you are interested in cooperating with us in such an exchange link, please contact our International Relations Coordinators. We would be delighted to hear from you.
For further questions …
please contact the International Relations Coordinators
- Daniela Brandt, Zuse-Building ZU 209
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Manger-Nestler, Zuse-Building ZU 111
- Prof. Dr. Bodo Sturm, Zuse-Building ZU 119